2007年12月26日 星期三

What's the difference between a statesman and a politician?

The statesman leads. The politician misleads.

The statesman dreams. The politician schemes.
The statesman strategizes. The politician dramatizes.
The statesman serves his countrymen. The politician serves only himself.
The statesman thinks of the next generation. The politician thinks only of the next election.
The statesman knows how to respond to a crisis. The politician knows only how to respond to the media spotlight.











鬥完蔣中正 陳水扁還批了孫運璿

12月15日是 孫運璿先生95歲冥誕,這個時候 談孫先生的生日,讓人玄然欲淚,因為就在此時陳水扁大聲的比較太太吳淑珍所受待遇,比起孫運璿差太多,並說:「孫運璿身體不好這麼久,住免費的房子,在基隆還有一棟別墅給他養病,接著醫護人員有多少個輪流在照顧他,只是一個卸任的院長耶!」

他一過世, 孫夫人立刻搬出公家宿舍,自己租房子住。這般的清廉自持,一心為民,是令人尊敬 和值得學習的。


2007年12月25日 星期二


Sound of the New Party 看政治學英文系列

Past Presidents and their Contributions to Taiwan
by Glendy Chu, from news reports
translated by Bevin Chu
December 12, 2007

2006/04/15 11:17


Of all the presidents of the Republic of China, who contributed the most to Taiwan? The answer, according to a United Daily News opinion poll, was: Chiang Ching-kuo (50%). Lee Teng-hui (11%). Chiang Kai-Shek (6%). And in last place, Chen Shui-bian (5%).

The poll also asked: Which presidents' merits outweighed their demerits? The answers were: Chiang Ching-kuo. 65% say his merits outweighed his demerits. Chiang Kai-shek, 29% say his merits outweighed his demerits, despite the fact he has long been cast as an authoritarian strongman. And in last place, reigning autocrat Chen Shui-bian, 5% say his merits outweighed his demerits, despite the immense resources of the State at his disposal.

Chen Shui-bian's ratings were the lowest. Chen Shui-bian, who bills himself as the "Son of Taiwan" received an approval rating lower than Chiang Kai-shek, the man he has attempted to vilify as the "Chief culprit in the 228 Incident."

The public shares a common historical memory: Taiwan's transition from martial law authoritarianism to liberalism constituted a Golden Age. Once the Democratic Progressive Party assumed power however, everyone ceased referring to "Taiwan's economic miracle."

The public shares the perception that after the DPP assumed power, Taiwan underwent a relentless decline in many areas. The perversions of the lawless Chen Shui-bian regime have turned Taiwan into a spiritual and moral desert.

Chiang Ching-kuo was close to ordinary working people. His closest friends were laborers. He empathized with the underprivileged. His administration embraced laborers and farmers, and kept its distance from wealthy businessmen. He despised the corrupt, and distrusted them. He detested "black gold" corruption. Today's rulers by contrast, are kleptocrats, officials who collude with businessmen to exploit the poor for the benefit of the rich. They know only how to win elections, not how to rescue the economy.

Chiang Ching-kuo's frugal lifestyle, compassion for the downtrodden, and unpretentious public image, were spontaneous expressions of his inner character. By contrast, today's DPP officials are petty and caustic. They harangue ordinary citizens. They display scant sympathy for the common man, and behave like the hypocrites they are.

Chiang Ching-kuo loved Taiwan. He didn't just talk the talk, he walked the walk. During the August 23 Battle of Kinmen, he stood shoulder to shoulder with troops at the front line. Chen Shui-bian by contrast, lied and used legal loopholes to evade military service. Chen Shui-bian talks of his "love for Taiwan," even as he destroys Taiwan.

Chiang Ching-kuo braved the elements as he led military veterans in the construction of the Central Cross Island Highway. He exercised unflagging determination, entrusted only individuals of character, promoted major infrastructure projects, and created Taiwan's economic miracle. An equitable educational system enabled children from Category Three Impoverished Households to attend National Taiwan University. Under Chiang's rule, society was harmonious, crime was low, and economy prospered. The "Chiang Ching-kuo Era" was a Golden Age in China's history. His contribution to Taiwan cannot be denied.
蔣經國披荊斬棘,帶領榮民弟兄開闢中橫公路,勵精圖治,用人唯賢,推動十大建設,開創經濟奇蹟。公平的教育制度,使三級貧戶的兒子也能考上台大。而社會祥 和、治安良好、族群融合,人民安居樂業,「經國之治」堪稱是國史上的盛世,對台灣的貢獻實在是不容抹煞。

People today say that given the choice, they would choose an authoritarian president who was selfless and altruistic, clean and uncorrupt, who loved the common people, who led the nation to prosperity, over a shamelessly selfish, insatiably greedy, hopelessly incompetent president such as Chen Shui-bian, who knows only how to incite ethnic hatred and empty the nation's coffers.

2007年12月16日 星期日






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2007年12月13日 星期四









2007年12月3日 星期一


Sound of the New Party 看政治學英文系列

It's No Skin off My Ass

by Glendy Chu
translated by Bevin Chu
December 8, 2007

President Elect Chen Shui-bian pays his respects to Chiang Kai-shek in 2000, three days after his inauguration



Eight years ago, upon his inauguration, Chen Shui-bian bowed before Chiang Kai-shek's statue in the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. Eight years later, he is, as the Chinese say, "flogging Chiang Kai-shek's corpse." This is classic Chen Shui-bian. Utterly without honor. Chen Shui-bian's unique aptitude is his ability to talk up a storm and incite petty tribalist hatred.

"The Golden Mean, the Way of Righteousness" (大中至正) Name Plaque on the Ceremonial Gate to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial

For the sake of electoral advantage, Chen Shui-bian has no qualms about provoking violent confrontations, illegally defacing the ceremonial gate to the CKS Memorial, bullying the Taipei Municipal Government, inciting petty tribalist hatred, or fomenting social unrest. Chen Shui-bian is not about to stop at demolishing four characters denoting "The Golden Mean, the Way of Righteousness." He is determined to tear apart society and destroy the Republic of China.

Chen sends up a Martial Law Trial Balloon

Chen Shui-bian wins. Taiwan loses. Chen has brought the nation to the brink of civil war. He has provoked a civil war between the central government and local governments, between Security Police and Taipei City Police, between executive orders and the nation's legal code, between Pan Blues and Pan Greens, between "Taiwanese" and "mainlanders."

Chen Shui-bian wins. Taiwan loses. In order to prolong the reign of his shameless kleptocracy, Chen is resorting to any and all means at his disposal. Chen Shui-bian did not just demolish four characters reading "The Golden Mean, the Way of Righteousness." To cover up his "Insatiable Greed, Unbridled Corruption," Chen installed four characters reading "Liberty Square."

The Chen Regime's De-Sinicization Campaign takes on an Interesting Twist

Chen Shui-bian's election strategy is "protect your capital." He does this by inciting mob sentiment among Pan Green supporters, and furious indignation among Pan Blue opponents. This energizes the Green camp and shifts public attention away from ruling DPP incompetence. Chen demolished the ceremonial gate to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial for the sake of electoral advantage. The public needs to wise up to Chen Shui-bian's agenda. It needs to send a message to the Democratic Progressive Party on election day.

The Chen Regime eliminates "Rectitude"

DPP officials, taking their cue from Chen Shui-bian, have recently become extraordinarily pugnacious, like fighting cocks. Their coarse language however, reminds us of street thugs challenging their rivals to a rumble. Who knew that a party that bills itself as "democratic" and "progressive" would become the instigator of violence and the source of chaos?

"The Golden Mean, the Way of Righteousness" dropped down the Memory Hole

Chen Shui-bian wins. Taiwan loses. As Americans say, "It's no skin off my ass." If a civil war erupts, if a random spark ignites the powderkeg, if society is split asunder, if he rule of law is sacrificed, if blood flows in the streets, it's no skin off Chen Shui-bian's ass.

ETTV cameraman crushed by truck, a victim of political unrest deliberately incited by Chen Shui-bian

Chen Shui-bian wins. Taiwan loses. The blood in front of the ceremonial gate to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is on Chen Shui-bian's hands. If and when Chen presides over the dedication of the unintentionally ironic "Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall," he should drink up. It's the blood of his victims.

"A Bian Step Down"

Young netizens are saying that although Chiang Kai-Shek was an authoritarian who imposed martial law on Taiwan, he was nevertheless an effective ruler, who bore many similarities to Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew. Chen Shui-bian's rampant corruption, on the other hand, has destroyed Taiwan's economic foundation. Young netizens have suggested that "The Golden Mean, the Way of Righteousness" be changed to read "A Bian Step Down!"

"Liberty Square" or as Big Brother put it "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength"

One citizen calls Chen Shui-bian's "Liberty Square" what it is: "Graveyard of Democracy"

Another citizen calls Chen Shui-bian's "Liberty Square" what it is: "Dictatorship Square"

See: It Works the Same in Any Country

2007年11月26日 星期一


Sound of the New Party 看政治學英文系列

Rule by Ruffians, and Rogues Regnant
by Glendy Chu
translated by Bevin Chu
November 30, 2007

The subject we want to share with you today is: Rule by Ruffians, and Rogues Regnant. On today's Taiwan, ruffians rule, and rogues are regnant. The ruling party has lost all sense of justice and propriety. The temples have been defiled. Teachers and parents don't know what to tell their children. Shameless politicians have left discriminating individuals disillusioned and without hope, driving them into exile. With such people gone, they are free to manipulate those who remain, the naive and the gullible. Let's look at some examples.


今 天要和您分享的是 - 痞子當道,無賴成為主流。當今的台灣,痞子當道,無賴成為主流,執政黨已喪失了是非公義、禮義廉恥,廟堂之上充斥骯髒卑鄙的言論,老師和父母不知要如何教 下一代;這些無恥政客的目的,就是要讓精英份子失望,而死心,而出走,如此一來,這些無恥政客,就更能操弄民粹,玩弄台灣善良又愚蠢的人民。這些無恥政 客,最近無賴的表現是:

Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng sets an example

Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng sets an example

Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng sets an example

1. Democratic Progressive Party Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng has a bad habit of picking his nose in public, flicking the mucus away with his fingers, and snoring during meetings, in full view of television cameras. As part of his desinicization campaign, he insists that many Chinese idioms have nothing to do with Taiwan. On the other hand, he insists that "three little pigs" is an idiom. Tu seems to think that "da pao" refers to setting off firecrackers. Some wags have joked that next time a major celebration comes along, the public should invite the good minister's wife and daughter to "set off firecrackers."

Tsai Chi-fang

2. Legislators have complained that prison conditions under the ruling Democratic Progressive Party are abominable, with widespread incidents of sexual abuse. Democratic Progressive Party legislator Tsai Chi-fang said: Sexual relations between men and women in prison is perfectly normal. People have needs.


3. Many people have been found living under Taipei County and Taipei City highway bridges. These are people who can no longer pay the rent, whose businesses have gone under, who are working odd jobs. Leading lives of quiet desperation, they seek only shelter from the wind and rain. The police see unemployment as the prime factor behind suicides and the high crime rate.

Unemployment on Taiwan

4. Unemployment on Taiwan is at a record high. People can no longer survive. More and more people have lost both their jobs and their homes. They sleep on the street, fighting police, heavy rains, and other homeless people. Over the past five years, the number of box lunches handed out by the Foundation for the Homeless has increased from 9,000 per month to 30,000 per month.


The DPP's Checkbook Diplomacy is bankrupting ROC Taxpayers

5. On January 12, Chen Shui-bian will conduct yet another state visit. The DPP's checkbook diplomacy has come under fire. Chen Shui-bian, whose rule is kept afloat by fast talk, asked "Who says diplomacy doesn't require wasting money?" Chen Shui-bian has taken 14 junkets during his 7 years in office, an average of one junket every six months. Chartered airline costs alone have exceeded 600 million NT, an average of 90 million NT per year.

Chen Shui-bian throwing One of his many Tantrums

6. Chen Shui-bian is supposedly the nation's leader. Yet he hurls insults at the public. During political rallies he intimidates civil servants and ordinary citizens, like a street corner thug. Former DPP elder Shen Fu-hsiung said, "Chen Shui-bian's coarse and demagogic manners are intolerable. People are asking: When will the reign of the ruling party end?

7. Chen Shui-bian is sweating bullets. He knows the end is near. Like a drowning man, he is clutching at straws. Referenda, Joining the UN, fanning hysteria, denouncing Ma Ying-jeou and demanding his resignation. No holds barred. His "presidential" mask has slipped, revealing the face of the street thug beneath. Chen Shui-bian and the DPP have turned Taiwan into a dog eat dog, kill or be killed, economically regressive backwater in which the people can no longer eke out a living. With Chen Shui-bian and the DPP as "defenders," Taiwan needs no enemies, Chen Shui-bian and the DPP have not given Taiwan a day of peace.
陳水扁很瘋狂,他自知他的 末日已近,所以不顧一切,像一個亡命的賭徒,做垂死的掙紮,公投,入聯,歇斯底裡,倒馬,打馬,毒計百出。地痞流氓的本性,暴露無遺。臺灣,被一個陳水扁 搞得烏煙瘴氣,打打殺殺,你死我活,經濟倒退,民生維艱。有個陳水扁,台灣真的不需要敵人了,光陳水扁就把台灣給糟蹋夠了-臺灣永無寧日。

8. Chen Shui-bian is the epitome of a shameless and corrupt politician, utterly without morals or credibility. Chen Shui-bian's character has come under question not just by citizens of the ROC. It has also come under question by other Asian nations and even the global community. Chen Shui-bian is a textbook example of the dark side of human nature and the least attractive aspects of contemporary culture. A presidency as incompetent as Chen's is an accomplishment in itself.

2007年11月20日 星期二


Sound of the New Party 看政治學英文系列

Government of the People, by the People, and for the People?
by Glendy Chu
translated by Bevin Chu
November 16, 200-7

"Pearl," a humble meat vendor at a farmer's market tells Annette Lu the simple truth, that business is bad. The next day Lu accuses her of being a "shill" for the opposition

South Korea has already classified Chen Shui-bian as a world-class madman -- caustic, mean-spirited, foul-mouthed, and corrupt. The Democratic Progressive Party dismissed South Korea's remarks as comments from a "backward" nation not worth listening to. The DPP's reaction to grass roots outrage has been callous indifference. Chen Shui-bian's reaction has been shameless impudence, lashing back self-righteously at ordinary citizens who spoke their minds. The people are now "mad as hell, and not going to take it any more." Now no matter where Chen Shui-bian goes, he finds himself confronted by ordinary citizens speaking out, each in their own way, each for their own reasons. A new anti-Chen protest movement is emerging. For example:

韓 國已把尖酸刻薄、無品缺德、滿嘴LP下流話的總統陳水扁,列為世界級狂人總統,民進黨說:比我們還『落後』的國家的評論,大家聽聽就好。民進黨政府官員的 麻木不仁,再加上陳水扁的厚顏無恥、高調「回嗆」,以輕蔑態度面對來自底層的憤怒,人民已無法忍受,如今陳水扁所到之處,都會聽到民眾以不同方式、不同的 理由,此起彼落地抗議,民間現在在興起一場嗆扁運動。嗆扁運動之一是:

"Charlie," a temp at an audio/video exhibit whose business went under saw Chen Shui-bian walking by and shouted, "Ordinary people can no longer survive!" Chen "rebutted" Charlie by saying, "Then what are you doing at a high end audio and video exhibit?"

During Chen Shui-bian's photo op at the World Trade Center High End Audio and Video Exhibit, a man named Charlie shouted "Ordinary people can no longer survive!" Chen Shui-bian lashed back "No longer survive? Then what are you doing at a high end audio and video exhibit?" The man, who used to be a Chen supporter, told reporters: I'm a temp. My business went under. It's too bad the president can't feel the people's pain.

A woman shouts "Down with A Bian" during Kaohsiung's Love River Festival and gets hauled away by Secret Service agents

When Chen Shui-bian graced the Kaohsiung Love River Festival with his presence, a woman named Hsu Mei-lian shouted "Down with A Bian!" The woman's father is a Deep Green DPP member. Her friends and relations are all diehard DPP supporters. But she could no longer tolerate seeing the DPP say one thing while doing another. Only then did she step forward to criticize A Bian. The woman said A Bian is polluting the Love River Festival with his presence. She wanted A Bian to step down. She wanted A Bian to get out of Kaohsiung.
陳 水扁參加高雄市愛河之心活動時,一名婦女徐美蓮對著陳水扁高分貝嗆聲:「阿扁下台」,這名婦女父親是深綠的民進黨員,親朋好友都是死忠民進黨支持者,但她 看不慣民進黨說一套,做的又是一套,才跳出來嗆扁。這名婦女說,阿扁參加愛河之心活動,根本就是汙染愛河,她要阿扁滾下台,滾出高雄。

Parent of elementary school student demands that Chen step down

When Chen Shui-bian turned up at the Chung Cheng Elementary School's 100th anniversary celebration in Taipei, a parent demanded that Chen step down. The parent, named Chang, said Chen Shui-bian has outraged members of the Great Silent Majority, such as himself. He had intended to put up with Chen for another one or two hundred days, but Chen's attitude in the face of public protests was more than he could tolerate. Chen brought these protests on himself.


University students rush onto the field with protest banners and posters

A co-ed is flung to the ground by Secret Service Agents, merely for shouting slogans

Another student is hauled away by Secret Service agents

While Chen Shui-bian was delivering a speech at Chen Kung University's anniversary celebration yesterday, a student named Liao and six others from National Taiwan University, Chinese Culture University, and other universities rushed onto the field with protest banners and protest posters. One of the students, a co-ed, was flung to the ground by secret service agents. Shortly afterwards seven protesters from Tainan County were moved half a kilometer back from the podium. Furious, they yelled "He's changed completely from when we elected him president."

Members of the public protest against Chen Shui-bian every day. Chen Shui-bian said "The Pacific Ocean has no lid on it. Anyone who thinks China is so wonderful can swim over there. No need to come back!" Many who heard him say this were stunned. Is this what the president thinks of the people? Does he want to expel them from their homes? Where in the world do you go to find leaders like this? Unbelievable.
陳 水扁連日不停被民眾嗆聲,陳水扁說「太平洋又沒加蓋,說中國好,就游過去呀,游過去就不要再回來!」很多民眾聽到這句話都「非常錯愕」,覺得總統是不是不 要人民了?要把人民趕出去?全世界哪有這樣的元首,「實在不可思議」。【聯合報╱本報記者/連線報導】 2007.11.12

Unhappy with Chen Shui-bian's call for people to jump into the ocean and drown themselves, a retired lieutenant colonel in the army who was once a diehard Chen supporter sent Chen a shoe box. On it he wrote "Taiwan's tinpot dictator - A Bian." He denounced the "Plebiscite to Enter the UN" as a "Plebiscite to Enter a Coffin." He said A Bian needed to hear what the people had to say. 因為不滿阿扁叫人民去跳海自殺,一名曾經是阿扁的死忠支持者-陸軍退休中校,寄包裹嗆扁。他用一個鞋盒,上面用毛筆字寫著要寄給「台灣的土皇帝-阿扁總統」,還罵「公投入聯」是「公投入殮」。他希望用這個方式,讓阿扁總統能聽聽人民的聲音。

Yesterday Chen Shui-bian visited the National Chin-Yi University of Technology. The student association originally intended to wear red polo shirts to Chen's address, but school authorities issued an order to requiring student to wear black jackets over their red shirts, or change into street clothes. The students were outraged. They said the Red Shirt Army protests ended long ago. The school authorities were being paranoid.

COSWAS workers protest ruling DPP indifference to their plight

COSWAS workers protest ruling DPP indifference to their plight

When Chen Shui-bian showed up at a public event, members of the Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters (COSWAS) waved protest signs and shouted "Chen Shui-bian, the poor can no longer survive. The people want to live!" A female passerby, seeing people protesting, shouted "Shame on Chen Shui-bian. Shame on your whole family. Embezzlers every last one of you!"


When Chen Shui-bian arrived at Yi-lan's Nan Tian Temple to participate in a worship ritual, a man shouted "A Bian step down! A Bian step down!" He was immediately hauled away by secret service agents.

2007年11月9日 星期五


Sound of the New Party 看政治學英文系列

Let Them eat Cake
Translation and Added Commentary by Bevin Chu

November 9, 2007

Marie Antoinette (2006, written and directed by Sofia Coppola, starring Kirsten Dunst)

Marie Antoinette has been wrongly quoted as saying "Let them eat cake!." In fact those words were spoken by Maria Theresa of Spain, who said "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!"

The real Marie Antoinette, if writer/director Sofia Coppola is to be believed, was not indifferent to the suffering of France's peasantry.

Alas, the powerful and wealthy officials of the ruling DPP regime on Taiwan, are indifferent to the suffering of ordinary citizens of the Republic of China. Their deeds and words reveal that they truly do not care whether ordinary people live or die.

Consumer prices have reached record 13 year highs on Taiwan. Yet ruling DPP officials have the gall to lie to the public, and insist that prices have not risen. The ruling DPP ignores the people's pain, wallows in corruption, and squanders the people's hard-earned money promoting its Quixotic pipe dream of "Taiwan independence."


The price of green onions has skyrocketed to 400 dollars a kilogram. Yet Frank Hsieh has the gall to tell us "If we don't eat onions for three days, the price will drop to 10 dollars a kilogram."

Flour is now expensive beyond reason. The wife of Premier Chang Chun-hsiung, upon hearing that the price of flour had risen, suggested that everyone eat sweet potatoes instead. Members of the public informed her: "Sweet potatoes are even more expensive than flour!"

Fuel prices have skyrocketed. Minister of Economic Affairs Chen Jui-lung suggested that in order to cope with rising oil prices, members of the public trade their large cars in for small cars, and drive a day or two less each week. He referred to his own 3000cc vehicle as a "small car." Memo to the good minister: Three liters may be small in Detroit, but not in Taipei.

Democratic Progressive Party Commissioner of Agriculture Su Chia-chuan advised everybody to stop going to traditional farmer's markets. He said that since produce is expensive, people ought to buy vegetables for 5 dollars a bunch at the supermarket. Memo to the good commissioner: Vegetables cost 50 dollars a bunch. Hey, but what's a decimal point more or less?

Vice President Annette Lu asked a grocer in the traditional farmer's market the price of bittermelons. To avoid embarrassing her the grocer told her 30 dollars a kilo. After she left the grocer admitted that in fact the public pays over 60 dollars a kilo.

The government is currently promoting its "Join the UN" movement. According to the latest figures, the ad campaign has already cost over 150 million dollars. That doesn't include ten million dollars for a single day's advertising in New York City, or future expenditures. These bills will all have to be paid by the public.

Since the Democratic Progressive Party assumed power, Chen Shui-bian, Annette Lu, Wu Shu-chen and others have gone on 28 overseas junkets. Air charter expenses have topped 600 million dollars. Air charter expenses have averaged 90 million dollars per year. They are squandering people's hard-earned dollars on "checkbook diplomacy" with nothing to show for it.

2007年11月2日 星期五


我不能決定生命的長度, 但我可以控制它的寬度。
我不能左右天氣, 但我可以改變心情。




TPE, ROC, Taiwan