
2009年9月16日 星期三


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2009年1月21日 星期三

驚聞陳水扁的總統府裡 出匪諜

Communist Agents within the Chen Administration -United Daily News editorial-January 16, 2009
驚聞陳水扁的總統府裡出匪諜【聯合報╱社論】2009.01.16 02:28 am

Who knew the Chen Shui-bian administration was overrun with Communist agents? Eight years of Chen administration misrule has left the nation in ruins. One might say that this administration committed every nasty deed humanly imaginable or otherwise.

But who would have guessed that a Taiwan independence political regime would nurture Communist agents? Who would have guessed that Communist agents really were hiding under our beds? Suspected Communist agent Wang Jen-bing's relationship with the Ah-Bian faction within the DPP goes way back. When Chen Shui-bian was mayor of Taipei, Chen Che-nan brought Wang into the Bureau of Education. Wang even became involved in the Longmen Junior High School site preparation scandal. Later, when Chen Shui-bian become president, Chen Che-nan brought Wang into the Under-Secretary-General's Office as Copy Editor. He remained at that post until recently, under Cho Jung-tai, Under-Secretary-General Lin Chia-lung, and others. All in all, Wang Jen-bing's relationship with the Ah-Bian faction goes back 15 to 16 years. Now we are learning that this person was a Communist agent?
■台獨政權,竟在總統府裡養匪諜,真是「匪」夷所思。■共諜嫌犯王仁炳與扁系淵源久長,■在陳水扁任市長時,就經陳哲男帶入教育局任職,還涉及龍門國中整地弊案;■後來,陳水扁出任總統,又被陳哲男帶進了副祕書長辦公室擔任編審,■歷經了卓榮泰、林佳龍等副祕書長,一直留任迄今。■前後算一算Wang Jen-bing與扁系的淵源至少已經十五、六年;■而這樣一個人,竟然是匪諜!

Advocates of Taiwan independence are corrupt. That is no longer news. Since Chen Shui-bian assumed power, incidents of corruption by advocates of Taiwan independence have become too numerous to list. But veteran Ah-Bian faction official Wang Jen-bing has turned out to be a "Cash on Delivery," traitor who sold national secrets to Beijing. This is truly an eye-opener. Green Camp advocates of Taiwan independence have relentlessly accused Pan Blues of "selling out Taiwan." Now it turns out they themselves have been selling intelligence to Beijing.

The extent of Wang Jen-bing's involvment has yet to be confirmed. Was this his first offense? Was he a long-time mole? We still don't know. But the fact that an veteran Ah-Bian faction official such as Wang would "sell out Taiwan" in such a manner, forces one to reflect upon their mindset. One possibility is that Wang hated the Ma administration even more than Beijing, therefore chose to sell out Taipei and collude with Beijing. Another possibility is that as Wang watched Chen Che-nan and Chen Shui-bian wallow in corruption, and the Office of the President act as their accomplices, he reasoned, why not sell a little intelligence and earn a little extra pocket money?
■王仁炳涉案情態如何,尚待深入偵查;■他究竟是初次涉案,或潛伏已久,亦未可知。■但以王仁炳這樣一個扁系老臣,居然幹出這種「賣台」的匪諜勾當,其思想心態頗可探究。■一種可能是:他在馬扁交接之際,已將馬政府視為比中國還要「優先」的敵人,因此出賣台灣、勾結中國。■另一種可能是:他見到陳哲男貪汙,又看到陳水扁貪汙,更看到當時整個總統府成了貪汙的共犯結構,■則他出賣情報賺些外 快,有何不可?

Wang Jen-bing is hardly an isolated case. Many Green Camp people on Taiwan scream "Chinese pigs, get the hell back to China!" at fellow ROC citizens. Meanwhile, they fall over each other making deals with "Chinese" on the mainland for the sake of a buck. How much difference is there between these pro-independence businessmen and Wang Jen-bing? Beijing sees "Green Agents" as a rare, hence valuable commodity. What are these advocates of Taiwan independence doing, but playing their Deep Green credentials for all they are worth?
■王仁炳案不能視為個案,■許多綠營人士在台灣對著自己人大喊「中國豬,滾回去」,■卻與對岸的「中國人」猛作賺錢生意者,更大有人在。■這些獨派生意 人,與王仁炳賣情報,靠的豈不都是中共對他們的「綠色商標」另眼相看?■「綠色匪諜」,在想像中當然是奇貨可居。

This case revives old anxieties. Slogans such as "Everyone has a responsibility to guard against Communist infiltration" come rushing back to mind. Another suspect, Chen Ping-jen, was an assistant to PFP Legislator Lin Chun-tak and KMT legislator Liao Kuo-tung. Who imagined he would become an accomplice of veteran Ah-Bian faction official Wang Jen-bing? Three parties are involved. The spy incident show that Communists really are hiding under our beds!

The case has raised other wide-ranging political concerns, including the loyalty of civil servants and political appointees following a change in ruling administrations. Wang Jen-bing is a vestige of the Chen Shui-bian administration. Following an administration change he turned into a Communist spy who sold national secrets to Beijing. His mindset is frightening. What has Wang thinking as he he sold information and received payment? That his action did not constitute treason merely because he disapproved of the Ma administration? How different was his mindset from Chen Shui-bian's, who stashed his loot in a so-called "Nation-building Fund," then reasoned he was innocent of corruption.
■此案引起的另一層更廣泛的政治警覺,則是在政權更替時的公務員或政治性任命人員的忠貞問題。■王仁炳是陳水扁的遺臣,■他在政權更替之際,竟然搖身一變成為出賣國家情報的共諜,其思想心態實在可怕;■當他出賣情報、收受價金之時,王仁炳會不會覺得,因為他根本不認同馬英九這個政府,所以也不覺得自己的行為是叛國賣台?■此種思想心態與陳水扁殊途同歸,正如陳水扁把贓款說成 「建國基金」,就自認不是貪汙!

Broadly speaking, the second change in ruling parties plunged the government into just such a Wang Jen-bing style crisis. Just before the Democratic Progressive Party stepped down, it rushed to fill every position with "their people." Even Ah-Bian's maid was given a job in the Presidential Palace. The Ma administration, terrified of being accused that it was conducting a purge, dared not clean house, and the likes of Wang Jen-bing were kept on. As a result, after power was tranferred on May 20 last year, residues from the Green Regime's nomenklatura have created problems for the new administration. These leftover Deep Green officials simply do not recognize the Republic of China. Such differences in national allegiance are hardly mere policy differences. In point of fact, they are the differences between sworn enemies. Wang Jen-bing may be an extreme case. As a civil servant, he not only betrayed the Ma administration, he also betrayed the nation. More leftover Green Regime officials remain within the current government. They may not collaborate with the enemy as flagrantly as Wang Jen-bing did. But they also refuse to recognize this nation, and they see the current administration as their political enemy. Their attitude, as they remain ensconced in their posts, is twofold. One, to keep collecting a paycheck from the nation, and two, to play a waiting game as political wild cards.
■就廣泛的意義來說,二次政黨輪替後,整個政府即已陷入此類「王仁炳危機」。■民進黨在下台之際,幾乎將所有可以佔據的職位皆塞進了「自己人」,■連阿卿嫂也在總統府佔了一個實缺;■馬政府則因顧忌「排除異己」的譏評,不敢作果斷處置,如王仁炳者即留任至今。■因而,自去年五二○交接後,一直出現綠朝遺臣與新政府的磨合問題;■因為,有些色彩濃重的綠色遺臣,在政治理念上其實根本不承認中華民國,■這種國家認同的歧異,已非政策觀念的差別,而在本質上其實是敵我之爭。■王仁炳或許是一極端的特例,■作為一個公務員,他不但背叛了馬政府,更已背叛了國家;■然而,在今日政府中,另有更多的綠朝遺臣,■他們雖不至於王仁炳這般「通敵資匪」,但他們卻也是懷持著根本不承認這個國家或以現政府為政治敵人的心態留任其位,■一方面領國家的薪水,另一方面又儼然成為 不測的政治變數。

If Chen Shui-bian can characterize his ill-gotten gains as a "Nation-building Fund," then Wang Jen-bing can characterize his selling of intelligence as a way to make a fool out of Ma Ying-jeou. It is worrisome enough that Chen Shui-bian thinks this way. But within our government many civil servants share Wang Jen-bing's conceptions of loyalty. They consider the current administration their enemy. They consider the nation their enemy. This is unquestionably the most frightening risk the nation and the government face today.

The Republic of China's ruling party may change at any time. But civil servants and political appointees may not distort the meaning of loyalty. The accused must correct their mindset regarding the change in ruling parties and the meaning of the law.

Otherwise, officials leftover from the previous administration, such as Wang Jen-bing, will be disloyal toward the current administration. They may even collaborate with the enemy to wreak vengeance upon the current government. Is this not sad? Is this not frightening?

2008年12月28日 星期日

Chen Shui-bian's Eight Year Web of Corruption United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC) October 24, 2008
▓陳水扁八年編織的貪腐巨網【聯合報╱社論】2008.10.24 03:07 am

Tug on the loose threads in the Chen family money-laundering scandal, and they will lead to string upon string of collusion between corrupt officials and special interests. The most shocking aspect is not that money and power were in bed together, but just how sordid their methods were. They were no different from those of organized crime groups. During his eight year term, Chen Shui-bian essentially sold the government to the highest bidder. His flagrant corruption is far more despicable than his incompetent governance.

Former Bureau of Investigation Chief Yeh Sheng-mao and former Minister of the Interior Yu Cheng-hsien have both been arrested. The Chen Shui-bian regime's corruption has reached new lows. These two officials' roles in the scandals was merely to obey orders and run errands. They sold their souls to help the Chen family amass illicit wealth and conceal its criminal acts. Chen Shui-bian's eight year regime has trampled the nation's system of justice into the dust. It has trampled the nation's civil service system under its boot, hollowed out its democracy, and undermined the rule of law. The legitimacy of "nativist rule" has been undermined to boot. Sadly, the Democratic Progressive Party doesn't seem to give a damn.

Neither local construction firms nor vast financial syndicates have escaped Ah-Bian and Ah-Cheng's clutches. Once the presidential palace or the presidential residence got wind of either bidding on local construction contracts or major financial policy reforms, they immediately became into Chen family ATM machines. Just look at First Son Chen Chi-chung's wedding. Besides flagrantly misusing Air Force One, all their expenses were charged to the State Expenses Fund, under "Confidential Expenses." Worse still, they set up channels by which major business consortiums would give million dollar diamond rings and million dollar gifts of cash as "wedding gifts." Hold a wedding. Amass a fortune. The epithet "corrupt" is woefully adequate to encompass Ah-Bian and Ah-Cheng's insatiable appetite. The entire government has become a money machine for a family consumed by greed. How ironic when Chen Shui-bian's pet mantra is "Love for Taiwan!"

So far the money-laundering scandal has exposed only the tip of the iceberg. The tip of the iceberg is alarming enough. One can only imagine what the rest of the iceberg is like. In fact, judging by the frequency of the Chen regime's corruption scandals, this sort of bottom-up chain reaction is no accident. Corruption scandals at the Central Government level alone are already too numerous to count. Examples include Kuo Yao-chi, former Minister of Transportation and Communications, who has been sentenced to eight years in connection with the Taiwan Railway Taipei Station bid-rigging scandal. Former Interior Minister Yen Wan-chin has been sentenced to 12 years in the second instance in connection with the Peitou cable car scandal. Former Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Hou He-hsiung has been sentenced to 20 years for making sweetheart deals with flood control project contractors. Lin Chung-cheng has been sentenced to 16 years for his part in the Taiwan Development Corporation scandal. Additional scandals include the Department of Defense Taiwan Goals scandal, the PNG Ministry of Foreign Affairs scandal, and the Ministry of Finance "Second Financial Reform" scandal. One has to ask, is any ministry free from the stench of corruption?

Does the decadence and rot among Chen regime officials stem from DPP corruption? Or does it stem from the negative example set by Chen Shui-bian himself? The outside world has no way of knowing. But if Chen Shui-bian himself had not been so quick to descend into a mosh pit of corruption, if he still retained a shred of commitment to "reform," would he have sat back and watched as his lieutenants led his troops into the cesspool? Would he have opened a backdoor to his official residence for special interests?

Greed and corruption are two sides of the same coin. Only corruption is able to satisfy greed. Over the past eight years, there have been two presidential palaces on Taiwan. One is the Office of the President, located on Ketagalan Boulevard. The name on the door reads "Chen Shui-bian." It is responsible for policy. The other is the Underground Office of the President, located on Chongqing South Road. The name on the door reads "Wu Shu-cheng." She sets the prices. Wu Shu-cheng's greed could not be fulfilled without Chen Shui-bian's corruption. Of course, there would also be no money-laundering scandal today. Chen Shui-bian has harped endlessly on "reform." Wu Shu-chen has seized the opportunity to engage in wanton plunder. In the end, the entire family has been wound up in court. The myth of the Democratic Progressive Party "democratic reform" has also been swept into the garbage heap.

Chen Shui-bian has shouted "Transitional Justice" louder than anyone. But while he was waving one fist in the air demanding justice, his other hand was in the shadows, under the table, laundering money overseas. Chen Shui-bian is a master at political sleight of hand. He has led the public around by the nose until it is dizzy. In his eyes, the nation (guo) is merely a tool to amass wealth for his family (jia).

Over the past several months the public has seen a tiny corner of this vast web of corruption. This tiny glimpse alone has left it in shock. The latest revelation concerns millions, or even hundreds of millions deposited into the Chen family's overseas accounts by financial syndicates. When do judicial authorities intend to expose this vast web of corruption to the public?


Wang Yung-ching: The Republic of China Industrialist Who Most Deserves Our Respect
United Daily News editorial A Translation October 17, 2008 【聯合報╱社論】2008.10.17
The "Wizard of Entrepreneurship" Wang Yung-ching is dead. Both the ruling and opposition parties are sincere in mourning his passing. The legend of Wang Yung-ching spans more than half a century, and parallels Taiwan's economic miracle. More importantly, Wang Yung-ching's ascetic personal style, along with his bold and aggressive business style, has become the model for Taiwan businesses. The public verdict is that Wang Yung-ching was a Captain of Industry. More than that, he was a shining example for entrepreneurs everywhere.

This industrialist never had a moment's rest. Right up until the moment of his death, he traveled overseas conducting inspections of his business operations. Not one day of his 92 year life was wasted. At 16 he borrowed 200 NT to start his own rice business. At 38 he wrote to Minister of Economic Affairs Yin Chung, asking for permission to invest in the plastics industry. It was then that Taiwan's petrochemical industry took its first step. Today, the annual output of the Formosa Plastics Group is 2.6 trillion NT. It employs over 80,000 workers. Two hundred NT, transformed into two trillion NT. Wang Yung-ching is not merely a legendary individual. He is a symbol of Taiwan's miraculous transformation from an agricultural society into an industrial society.

Wang Yung-ching was dubbed the "Wizard of Entrepreneurship" many years ago. But the success enjoyed by Wang Yung-ching and the Formosa Plastics Group is not the result of luck. It is the result of Wang's tenacity and perseverance. This entrepreneur, who had only an elementary school education, was not satisfied merely with the success of his rice business and lumber business. He was not satisfied with the dominance of his plastics empire. He wanted to establish the world's most advanced industries, in petroleum distillation, medical technology, biotechnology, electronics, optoelectronics, semiconductors. He continually renewed the Formosa Plastics Group, advancing with the times, never falling from his position of leadership.
▓雖然早就得到「經營之神」的稱譽,但王永慶和台塑集團的成功絕非僥倖,▓而是憑著堅韌的毅力,千錘百鍊出來的成果。這位僅有小學學歷的企業家,沒有滿足於米行、木材行的成就,沒有佇足於塑膠王國的霸業,而是一路以全球先進產業為師,一路向輕油裂解、醫療、生物科技、電子半導體和光電等領域挺進,始終保持台塑 集團日新又新、與時俱進的領先地位於不墜。

Wang Yung-ching's businesses were not immune to setbacks and failures. The Formosa Plastics automobile plant and the mainland China Haicang plan failed to pan out as expected. His Formosa Chemicals and Fiber Corporation was targeted by the environmental movement. His plans for an Ilan Litse plant were blocked. These setbacks reflected the tide and times businesses had to bear. Wang Yung-ching never evaded such problems. If the times presented him with problems, he welcomed the opportunity to solve them. In fact, that very wave of social reform inspired the Formosa Plastics Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant Project in Miaoli. It inspired his plan for green and organic crop cultivation. Taiwan's aging population inspired the creation of a "Health Village." The forseeable energy shortage inspired the establishment of numerous gas turbine electrical cogeneration projects. Not all of these projects bore fruit, but they all reflected Wang Yung-ching's endless creativity and his vision of a brighter future.

Just a few days before Wang Yung-ching's death, a list of Taiwan's most profitable businesses was released. At the top of the list was the Formosa Plastics Group. This was not surprising. The "Four Jewels of the Formosa Plastics Group" have long been the most robust, dependable, and highest yielding of Taiwan's blue chip stocks. Among the top 10 money-making consortiums, the Formosa Plastics Group is the only industrial firm. The rest are financial holding companies. Formosa Plastics has maintained its position as an industrial firm. It has refused to be swept up by recent trends in the financial industry. This underscores Wang Yung-ching's pragmatic and responsible style, and his accurate business judgement. He has never allowed financial considerations to limit his business decisions. This sort of socially responsibile behavior has earned Wang Yung-ching the trust of the community.

During times wracked by endless political turmoil, the Formosa Plastics family seldom became involved in public disputes. During times of financial instability, the Formosa Plastics Group avoided stepping on any land mines. During times plagued by endemic corruption, the Formosa Plastics Group has never been involved in scandals. Wang Yung-ching has sustained the legend of Formosa Plastics for half a century. His secret was not merely extraordinary courage, clearer vision, or more accurate calculations. His secret was his determination to establish a rigorous and effective business ethic, to impose strict standards upon himself in his pursuit of profit. Contrast this with the questionable relationships between politicians and businessmen and the rampant corporate opportunism that prevails today.

Compared to Koo Chen-fu, Wang Yung-ching lacked literary refinement. Compared to Morris Chang, Wang Yung-ching lacked an international outlook. Compared to Terry Gou, Wang Yung-ching lacked the high roller's willingness roll the dice. But decade after decade, Wang Yung-ching was visionary without being utopian, pragmatic without being staid, decisive without being impulsive. This sort of integrity is the essence of Taiwan's entrepreneurial spirit. In a moving speech he warned his children: "Wealth is merely something society permits us to temporarily manage and put to proper use." For half a century, two generations of people have worked for the companies he established. His contribution to Taiwan's economy, is hardly limited to being the founder of the Formosa Plastics empire.

Wang Yung-ching was born in Xindian. He made his fortune in Chiayi. His investments straddle Taiwan and the rest of the world. He died in New York. He will be buried in Taipei. Wang Yung-ching was a legend who stands astride space and time. Mr. Wang Yung-ching is the Republic of China Industrialist who most deserves our respect. He earned it.
The Southern Front and the Taiwan Independence Treasury
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)August 27, 2008 【聯合報╱社論】2008.08.27

Chen Shui-bian said that when he applied for State Affairs Fund reimbursements, he submitted personal invoices. He said he did so for the sake of the "Southern Front Project." At the time the DPP maintained that "A Bian is innocent." But A Bian's latest explanation is even more outrageous. Chen Shui-bian and his amen corner are telling us that the vast sums transferred to the Chen family's overseas accounts amount to a "Taiwan independence treasury," and that freezing these accounts is an attempt to throttle the Taiwan independence movement.

Chen Shui-bian and the Green Camp face a money-laundering scandal. They are responding to the crisis in two ways: One. They are attempting to diminish their feelings of guilt. Two. They are attempting to create moral justifications.

One. The Chen family has referred to the funds in a number of different ways. Wu Shu-chen says it is all "Chen family money." Chen Chih-chung says they are wedding gifts. Huang Jui-ching says the money belongs to her father, Huang Bai-lu. Today however, everyone says the money is "leftover campaign funds." The current spin takes into account a number of legal considerations. But its primary political appeal is that it conceptually launders "Chen family money" and converts it into what the Green Camp can begin to think of as "our money."

Chen Hsing-yu threw a public tantrum, saying Taiwan independence needs money, election campaigns need money. What she meant was that the money was not dirty. It has a sacred purpose. The money already spent may or may not have been spent legitimately. But how is the Chen familly going to explain away the money transferred overseas? According to Chen Shui-bian, "The money was transferred out of the country by Wu Shu-chen. I knew nothing about it." But he added "I know Wu Shu-chen did not transfer the funds out of the country for the Chen family. It was to be used for international diplomacy on behalf of Taiwan, after I left office."

First Chen said "I knew nothing about it." Then he said "I know the money was to be used for international diplomacy on behalf of Taiwan." Taiwan independence leaders are not calling Chen Shui-bian on his self-contradictory lies. Astonishingly enough, they have hitched a ride on them, and developed their previously mentioned "Taiwan independence treasury" thesis. The Chen family has also taken advantage of the situation to convert "Chen family money" into "our money." In this deluded, self-induced hypnotic state, Chen Shui-bian and Deep Green leaders' feelings of guilt have rapidly diminished. Their feelings of moral rectitude have been rapidly enhanced. If Chen Shui-bian takes the next step and donates the funds to the Green Camp, the Green Camp will find it even easier to defend their "Taiwan independence treasury."

Two. The DPP Central Standing Committee has set the tone. Chen's prosecution for corruption is to be spun as "the Kuomintang and [mainland] China colluding to persecute Chen Shui-bian and the DPP." In other words, in order to oppose mainland China and the KMT, one must support A Bian. Chen Shui-bian has launched an all-out counteroffensive. He is no longer saying "I did something the law does not allow. I shamed Taiwan." Instead he rails against a "political vendetta," against a campaign to "exterminate his entire family," and against a "Cultural Revolution-style political struggle." Chen Shui-bian has totally sidelined Tsai Ing-wen and other "non-mainstream" elements within the DPP. Kao Chun-min of the Presbyterian Church has given Chen's "counteroffensive against a political vendetta" his seal of approval. One pastor said: "If we can forgive Chen Chin-hsing, why can't we forgive Chen Shui-bian?" He conveniently forgot that Chen Chin-hsing was tried by the nation's legal system, and donated his organs after his execution for kidnapping and multiple murders. Does Chen Shui-bian really want to be compared to Chen Chin-hsing?

Three. Chen Shui-bian has repeatedly pointed the finger at Lee Teng-hui. He said Lee transferred 70 million NT in public funds into the account of the Taiwan Comprehensive Research Institute, and one billion NT overseas. Chen is extending his battlelines. He is also attempting to undermine Lee Teng-hui's status as the standard-bearer for the Taiwan independence movement. A simple quid pro quo has been struck. Chen Shui-bian is supporting independence because he lusts after wealth. Taiwan independence leaders are supporting A Bian because they lust after Taiwan independence.

The leadership of the Taiwan independence movement and the DPP have actually decided to use the "Southern Front Project" and "Taiwan independence treasury" lies to deceive themselves and others. By unconditionally supporting Chen Shui-bian, they have exposed the moral bankruptcy of the Taiwan independence movement and the DPP.

The Taiwan independence movement has reached the stage where its concepts, its conduct, its image have all been discredited. In fact, Chen Shui-bian bears the greatest responsibility for the movement's decline. Yet Taiwan independence leaders continue to support A Bian. They refer to a non-existent "Taiwan independence treasury." They maintain that "Chen Shui-bian knew nothing." They maintain that "Wu Shu-chen did it all on her own." They are attempting to diminish their collective feeling of guilt. They are attempting to enhance their collective feeling of moral rectitude. What is this, if not the setting of the sun? What is this, if not the end of the road?

The DPP's tone, meanwhile, is not being set by Tsai Ing-wen, but by Kao Chun-ming. The DPP has again been hijacked by Chen Shui-bian and the Taiwan independence movement. Tsai Ing-wen has been undermined and marginalized. The DPP has become Chen Shui-bian's lackey, despite the fact that Chen Shui-bian is no longer a party member. DPP leaders are using the pretext that the "KMT is colluding with [mainland] China to persecute Chen," and that "Taiwanese are being bullied" to justify supporting A Bian. They are attempting to diminish their collective feeling of guilt. They are attempting to enhance their collective feeling of moral rectitude. What is this, if not self-deception?

In fact, ever since the January legislative elections and the March presidential election, the consensus is that Chen Shui-bian's brand of Taiwan independence is the least appealing form of Taiwan independence. The consensus is that the DPP which has been hijacked by Chen Shui-bian is the least sympathetic form of the Democratic Progressive Party. For the past several months, the public has assumed that the Taiwan independence movement and the Democratic Progressive Party would distance themselves from Chen Shui-bian and undergo a metamorphisis. No one expected them to permit Chen Shui-bian to hijack them again.

When the money-laundering scandal first erupted, Taiwan independence elder Huang Chao-tang said "We hope Chen Shui-bian vanishes from the face of the earth forever!" But Chen Shui-bian has not vanished. He now looms above Huang Chao-tang, awaiting his apology.

2008年9月2日 星期二


The Southern Front and the Taiwan Independence Treasury

United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)August 27, 2008


Chen Shui-bian said that when he applied for State Affairs Fund reimbursements, he submitted personal invoices. He said he did so for the sake of the "Southern Front Project." At the time the DPP maintained that "A Bian is innocent." But A Bian's latest explanation is even more outrageous. Chen Shui-bian and his amen corner are telling us that the vast sums transferred to the Chen family's overseas accounts amount to a "Taiwan independence treasury," and that freezing these accounts is an attempt to throttle the Taiwan independence movement.

Chen Shui-bian and the Green Camp face a money-laundering scandal. They are responding to the crisis in two ways: One. They are attempting to diminish their feelings of guilt. Two. They are attempting to create moral justifications.

One. The Chen family has referred to the funds in a number of different ways. Wu Shu-chen says it is all "Chen family money." Chen Chih-chung says they are wedding gifts. Huang Jui-ching says the money belongs to her father, Huang Bai-lu. Today however, everyone says the money is "leftover campaign funds." The current spin takes into account a number of legal considerations. But its primary political appeal is that it conceptually launders "Chen family money" and converts it into what the Green Camp can begin to think of as "our money."

Chen Hsing-yu threw a public tantrum, saying Taiwan independence needs money, election campaigns need money. What she meant was that the money was not dirty. It has a sacred purpose. The money already spent may or may not have been spent legitimately. But how is the Chen familly going to explain away the money transferred overseas? According to Chen Shui-bian, "The money was transferred out of the country by Wu Shu-chen. I knew nothing about it." But he added "I know Wu Shu-chen did not transfer the funds out of the country for the Chen family. It was to be used for international diplomacy on behalf of Taiwan, after I left office."

First Chen said "I knew nothing about it." Then he said "I know the money was to be used for international diplomacy on behalf of Taiwan." Taiwan independence leaders are not calling Chen Shui-bian on his self-contradictory lies. Astonishingly enough, they have hitched a ride on them, and developed their previously mentioned "Taiwan independence treasury" thesis. The Chen family has also taken advantage of the situation to convert "Chen family money" into "our money." In this deluded, self-induced hypnotic state, Chen Shui-bian and Deep Green leaders' feelings of guilt have rapidly diminished. Their feelings of moral rectitude have been rapidly enhanced. If Chen Shui-bian takes the next step and donates the funds to the Green Camp, the Green Camp will find it even easier to defend their "Taiwan independence treasury."

Two. The DPP Central Standing Committee has set the tone. Chen's prosecution for corruption is to be spun as "the Kuomintang and [mainland] China colluding to persecute Chen Shui-bian and the DPP." In other words, in order to oppose mainland China and the KMT, one must support A Bian. Chen Shui-bian has launched an all-out counteroffensive. He is no longer saying "I did something the law does not allow. I shamed Taiwan." Instead he rails against a "political vendetta," against a campaign to "exterminate his entire family," and against a "Cultural Revolution-style political struggle." Chen Shui-bian has totally sidelined Tsai Ing-wen and other "non-mainstream" elements within the DPP. Kao Chun-min of the Presbyterian Church has given Chen's "counteroffensive against a political vendetta" his seal of approval. One pastor said: "If we can forgive Chen Chin-hsing, why can't we forgive Chen Shui-bian?" He conveniently forgot that Chen Chin-hsing was tried by the nation's legal system, and donated his organs after his execution for kidnapping and multiple murders. Does Chen Shui-bian really want to be compared to Chen Chin-hsing?

Three. Chen Shui-bian has repeatedly pointed the finger at Lee Teng-hui. He said Lee transferred 70 million NT in public funds into the account of the Taiwan Comprehensive Research Institute, and one billion NT overseas. Chen is extending his battlelines. He is also attempting to undermine Lee Teng-hui's status as the standard-bearer for the Taiwan independence movement. A simple quid pro quo has been struck. Chen Shui-bian is supporting independence because he lusts after wealth. Taiwan independence leaders are supporting A Bian because they lust after Taiwan independence.

The leadership of the Taiwan independence movement and the DPP have actually decided to use the "Southern Front Project" and "Taiwan independence treasury" lies to deceive themselves and others. By unconditionally supporting Chen Shui-bian, they have exposed the moral bankruptcy of the Taiwan independence movement and the DPP.

The Taiwan independence movement has reached the stage where its concepts, its conduct, its image have all been discredited. In fact, Chen Shui-bian bears the greatest responsibility for the movement's decline. Yet Taiwan independence leaders continue to support A Bian. They refer to a non-existent "Taiwan independence treasury." They maintain that "Chen Shui-bian knew nothing." They maintain that "Wu Shu-chen did it all on her own." They are attempting to diminish their collective feeling of guilt. They are attempting to enhance their collective feeling of moral rectitude. What is this, if not the setting of the sun? What is this, if not the end of the road?

The DPP's tone, meanwhile, is not being set by Tsai Ing-wen, but by Kao Chun-ming. The DPP has again been hijacked by Chen Shui-bian and the Taiwan independence movement. Tsai Ing-wen has been undermined and marginalized. The DPP has become Chen Shui-bian's lackey, despite the fact that Chen Shui-bian is no longer a party member. DPP leaders are using the pretext that the "KMT is colluding with [mainland] China to persecute Chen," and that "Taiwanese are being bullied" to justify supporting A Bian. They are attempting to diminish their collective feeling of guilt. They are attempting to enhance their collective feeling of moral rectitude. What is this, if not self-deception?

In fact, ever since the January legislative elections and the March presidential election, the consensus is that Chen Shui-bian's brand of Taiwan independence is the least appealing form of Taiwan independence. The consensus is that the DPP which has been hijacked by Chen Shui-bian is the least sympathetic form of the Democratic Progressive Party. For the past several months, the public has assumed that the Taiwan independence movement and the Democratic Progressive Party would distance themselves from Chen Shui-bian and undergo a metamorphisis. No one expected them to permit Chen Shui-bian to hijack them again.

When the money-laundering scandal first erupted, Taiwan independence elder Huang Chao-tang said "We hope Chen Shui-bian vanishes from the face of the earth forever!" But Chen Shui-bian has not vanished. He now looms above Huang Chao-tang, awaiting his apology.


2008年8月28日 星期四


歡迎轉載,讓全世界都知道,台灣發生的事!FM 105.5每星期一晚上8~9點,看政治學英文。
Yeh Sheng-mao, Traitor to the Bureau of Investigation司法叛徒葉盛茂 還我七個月來!
United Daily News editorial (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC) 【聯合報╱社論】2008.08.20 03:17 am

Chen Shui-bian's family has engaged in money-laundering. Late last year their activities were exposed by an international anti-money laundering organization. Foreign prosecutors repeatedly asked our government to assist their investigation. To everyones' surprise, they were repeatedly blocked by our executive branch. Most contemptible of all, Bureau of Investigation Chief Yeh Sheng-mao buried the case for seven months, forfeiting the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot.

Late last year the Egmont Group, an international money-laundering prevention and control organization, discovered that First Daughter-in-Law Huang Jui-ching's account exhibited an abnormal number of large transactions. The group noticed that these huge sums were not commensurate with Huang Jui-ching and her husband's income. On January 28, Cayman Islands prosecutors informed the ROC Bureau of Investigation Money Laundering Prevention Center, asking for its assistance in their investigation. When the Money Laundering Prevention Center informed the Prosecutor General's Office, Bureau of Investigation Chief Yeh Sheng-mao cited "issues of sensitivity" as an excuse to personally pass the case on to Attorney General Chen Tsung-ming. As expected, nothing was heard of the case after that. As a result of the change in ruling parties in May, Swiss prosecutors made the connection between the case and Chen Shui-bian, and notified our Ministry of Foreign Affairs twice over the past six to seven months. Otherwise, Yeh Sheng-mao would have covered the crime up completely, dropping it forever down the memory hole, leaving nary a trace.

Whether Yeh Sheng-mao or Chen Tsung-ming were derelict in their duties will have to await the Ministry of Justice's final report. Based on the two officials' rhetoric however, Chen Tsung-ming's role needs further clarification, while Yeh Sheng-mao's crime of concealing public documents is all too clear. One. Yeh Sheng-mao removed documents that the Money Laundering Prevention Center issued to prosecutors. He neither turned them over to Chen Tsung-ming, nor returned them. This already qualifies as a cover up. Two. Chou Yu-yi, the Director of the Money Laundering Prevention Center, asked Yeh Sheng-mao whether he had turned the documents over to Chen Tsung-ming, twice. But Yeh was never able to show Chou a signed receipt for the documents. Obviously Yeh was lying. Three. Yeh Sheng-mao repeatedly changed his story. First he said that Chen Tsung-ming submitted a document. Later he said Chen merely made an oral report. Still later he said the case was on hold due to the election. Finally he said the reason he hadn't taken any action on the case whatsoever was that he was "busy planning his retirement."

Yeh Sheng-mao repeatedly changed his story, contradicting himself. But he was unable to disguise the fact that he covered up a crime. This was not merely a case of misprision of felony. On the one hand he concealed evidence from prosecutors. On the other hand he fabricated lies to mislead the Money Laundering Prevention Center, hoping they would shelve the case. This constitutes a serious dereliction of duty. If Yeh Sheng-mao is guilty of misprision of felony, and also of informing Chen Shui-bian about the matter, helping him plan his escape, destroying relevant evidence, then he is also guilty of violating civil service laws against leaking secrets and destroying evidence. No matter what, Yeh Sheng-mao, as Chief of the Bureau of Investigation, abused his authority covering up crimes. He kept the judiciary in the dark for seven months. He sat on his hands and refused to investigate the case. He betrayed the nation's system of justice. Everyone should denounce him.

Chen Shui-bian ruled for eight years. He reduced a civil service system that ought to have remained politically neutral, into a chameleon that changes its colors with the political winds. Yeh Sheng-mao's outrages against justice, are merely the tip of the iceberg. In recent years, such outrages have proliferated, including the Sogo Gift Certificates case and the Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit case. Bureau of Investigation officers are suspected of tipping off politicians, and even tutoring them on how to evade prosecution. Yeh Sheng-mao himself is suspected of leaking information to Green Camp bigwigs in the Hualien Gravel scandal and other scandals. When the Chief of the Bureau of Investigation, who stands on the frontlines of the judicial process, engages in such conduct, it's no wonder Liu Kuan-ping, ROC Representative to Switzerland, had the chutzpah to withhold documents provided by Swiss prosecutors from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Did Chen Tsung-ming ever received an oral report of the case from Yeh Sheng-mao? Did he refuse to accept the case because it was a hot potato? Further investigation is required. The Money Laundering Prevention Center created a case file and filed official documents. Did Yeh Sheng-mao apply pressure from above to prevent further action? Were civil servants passive and fearful of controversy? Did they adopt a self-imposed, wait-and-see attitude? All these possibilities should be investigated. Especially since the case involves the heads of both the Bureau of Investigation and the Special Investigative Unit. The Special Investigative Unit must recuse itself and be replaced by other investigative bodies.

Foreign judiciaries are working together to track down transnational crimes. Our executive and judiciary, meanwhile, have been diligently sheltering criminals, and burying other nations' case files. How despicable. How shameful. How pathetic. Chen Shui-bian enriched himself by laundering money. He shamed Taiwan. He paralyzed prosecutors and investigators. Yeh Sheng-mao was his hatchetman, his accomplice, and a traitor to our entire justice system.

Yeh Sheng-mao knew the law and broke the law. The Ministry of Justice must not show him one iota of mercy. Yeh Sheng-mao covered up crimes. He deliberately wasted seven critical months of time. Prosecutors and investigators must work together to uncover the truth behind the money laundering case. Only the truth can purge our justice system of this unprecedented black mark against its honor.




TPE, ROC, Taiwan